Hello Everyone!

It's hard to believe that October is almost over. We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this cooler weather! Florida is still pretty warm, but we are definitely having some cooler moments! It's been fun to experience "fall" for the first time in 12 years. Kelly was able to meet up with some girlfriends who formerly worked at Rosslyn Academy in Michigan for a few days. And Zeke has been so excited to carve a pumpkin!

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Opportunities on KuzaApp.com

One of the unique privileges we have through our online ministry is the ability to counsel youth and young adults. One recent example of this is a young man who contacted us. He is out of college and living on his own, but is struggling. He told us he had significant problems with pornography in high school, but was able to move away from it during his college years. His current problem is that he has difficulties interacting with young ladies without thinking or saying something sexually inappropriate. He fears now to even talk to young ladies, and wonders how he will ever get married. He is broken about it. We texted back and forth with him, and scheduled a phone call to follow up with counseling for him. He was very moved that our staff showed such concern and care for him.

We frequently have young people reach out to us like this, and these opportunities have increased during the slowdown of COVID. In the last few months, we’ve been sent questions about everything, including dating, struggles with various sexual sins, apologetics, and general Bible questions.  


4:12 Distrtriuting Food

COVID19 has obviously put a dent in our ability to teach in conferences and seminaries. It has also slowed down the economy, causing increasing poverty and hunger. As always, God has been faithful to open other doors to take care of people in unique ways. Sammy is our Kenya Director for the 4:12 ministry. One of our ministry partners called "Spread Truth" gave him 10 tons of food for food relief distribution. Sammy was able to distribute the food in various locations, using some of the money that would normally go towards conferences. They have shared the gospel during the distributions and have seen several receive Christ, and others cry tears of joy for receiving the food.

4:12 & The Jesus Film

As many others have around the world, our staff has gotten more creative during the COVID quarantine! As you may remember, we were gifted a Jesus Film backpack a few years ago, which includes a screen and solar-powered projector along with the film. Nicholas is our staff member in charge of the backpack, and has been showing this film to people in fields and backyards. He has had hundreds of people make a profession of faith to follow Jesus. He reported that he sees an unusual hunger for the Lord during this pandemic.

Fundraising Update

My staff wanted us to pass along to all of you who have faithfully supported us from March until now that they are VERY GRATEFUL! Poverty and hunger have reached the middle class and, in some instances, even the upper-middle class of Kenya, but our staff has been able to remain steady financially because of your faithful support! Many of them became emotional as they expressed their thanks. Your generosity has also allowed them to be generous to their neighbors and friends around them, which has been such a witness for their ministries. Know that you have some big fans in Kenya! 

We are grateful for all of you and pray for God's provision and grace for you during this time. 

God bless you!

Matt, Kelly, & Ezekiel Elmore

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for our Kuza staff as they return to our office for the first time since March.

  2. Pray for more opportunities to counsel and share truth with young people online through KuzaApp.com.

  3. Pray for the hunger and slow economy in Kenya to improve quickly.

  4. Pray for more people to receive Christ through the showing of our Jesus film. Pray also for them to be discipled through our app and online ministry.

  5. Pray for Kelly’s headaches and health. Still working through some stuff!

  6. Please continue praying for Kelly's dad. He's undergoing immunotherapy, and we are praying that it will work to kill the cancer. Hoping for an update soon!

  7. Pray for all of our staff, for their walk with Christ and personal lives.