Hello from Florida!
We apologize for the delay in checking in…we've been busy adjusting to life in the U.S. It’s amazing the things that seem unfamiliar after you’ve been away so long! We also have been able to spend lots of quality time with family, which has been so much fun!
Kenya & COVID-19
The Kenya government has begun to roll back a few of the COVID19 restrictions. Churches are allowed to meet again, but with a cap of 100 people. As a result, the small and medium-sized churches have been meeting, but large churches are just continuing with online services. A few days ago, Kenya hit their all-time daily high of COVID19 cases. Despite this, we are encouraged that the death rate has been relatively low and the recoveries have been relatively high. Around 80% of those that have tested positive for COVID19 in Kenya have been either asymptomatic or had very mild symptoms. Please keep praying for Kenya because, at the moment, the biggest threat to Kenya is not COVID19, but hunger and poverty.
In July 2019, God led us to start KuzaApp.com. There was no way we could know at the time what 2020 would hold for us and the rest of the world. Having a digital ministry like Kuza has been very strategic during this time of limited physical movement. When Kuza first began, we were reaching around 10,000 people a week, largely through the app. As of July of 2020, we’ve hit numbers as high as 75,000 people a week, through our blogs, videos, app, and podcast. Social distancing has pushed more and more people online looking for answers. By God’s grace, Kuza has helped many find biblical answers. We are also currently averaging 45 clicks a month on the “Receive Christ” button on kuzaapp.com. This takes them to a video that explains the gospel, from creation to the cross. They can then talk to a counselor to help them understand more. We pray that those clicking the button are following through with it, and have genuinely confessed Christ as their Savior. The director of the Nairobi Area Youth Network told us recently that he’s seeing and hearing about Kuza’s ministry and impact on youth everywhere in Nairobi. Very encouraging to hear that!
4:12 Ministry
4:12 has not been able to go out and teach conferences or in seminaries at the moment due to government restrictions. But, we believe that with the lift of the ban of church gatherings, this will soon change. Our staff is planning to teach smaller local conferences starting this month. Assuming that COVID19 news in Kenya remains relatively positive, we will continue expanding our reach of conferences.
Several of you have reached out to us and are asking how we’ve been doing settling into Florida. We are doing well. We are staying in a rental house that Kelly’s parents own, which has been a huge blessing. We’ve been able to spend lots of time with our families. Please continue praying for Kelly’s dad. The last round of radiation and chemo for his cancer were unfortunately unsuccessful. He is currently undergoing immunotherapy, so we are praying that this will be successful. He continues to be in a lot of pain and is dealing with several side effects of the cancer and radiation. However, there’s a lot he can still do, so we’re grateful for that. Zeke has been a great distraction for all of us. He’s talking up a storm and so excited about life. Matt has an office at Christ Community Church in Ocala, and goes to work 4 days a week to continue working on ministry from the States. Kelly finished up with Rosslyn at the end of June, so is a full-time homemaker for now!
Hanging out with Kelly's brother, Donald, and his wife, Shallon.
We know that times are difficult right now for many of you- physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually. Now more than ever, people around the world need to hear the truth and hope of Jesus Christ… and nothing but that. We are grateful for your continued support and prayer as we seek to share His truth and hope specifically in East Africa. We pray for you and the rest of the Church worldwide as we all seek to do this in our own communities!
We are grateful for you!
Matt, Kelly, & Ezekiel Elmore
Prayer Requests:
Praise God with us that Kuza is reaching more people and seeing more people receive Christ.
Pray for those in Kenya who are struggling with hunger and poverty to see their situations turn around.
Pray for 4:12 conferences in August to be impactful and lead to the start of youth ministries.
Pray for Kelly’s dad, George, to be healed of cancer and relieved of pain.
Praise God with us that none of our staff in Kenya has gotten COVID19. Pray that continues to be the case.
Pray for God to bless our time in the USA to be fruitful and meaningful for His kingdom.